Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Best of 2010 - Inception Review

Directed by Christopher Nolan
Reviewed by Ernest M. Whiteman III

Chris Nolan has to be one of the best studio directors working in the Hollywood system right now. Nolan came up through Hollywood with a string of very capable and at times, complex films that captured the viewers’ attention; “Following”, “Memento”, “Insomnia” and “The Prestige”, a string of tightly constructed films that led viewers on a merry chase.

Nolan then garnered big movie laurels with his pair of film that revived a dying Batman franchise with “Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight” which added depth and weight to what are on the surface comic book movies. So much so I overheard one little boy explaining to his father the reason he couldn’t see “batman” was because “batman is for grown-ups”. Yep, Nolan did that.

His latest “Inception,” about a team of thieves that enter your dreams and steal ideas is probably the best movie I have seen for 2010. Here, Leonardo DiCaprio hired by Ken Wantanbe, leads a team into the mind of Cillian Murphy to “plant” an idea rather than steal one. Through differing levels of Dream, DiCaprio is always trying to hide from his ex-wife, Marion Colliard who is out to ruin him.

What follows is a complex and action-packed heist on the level of Michael Mann’s “Heat”. Plus, like his other movies, no mater which direction the plot turns, you always felt like you were in the Now. And going for the ride has agreat pay off. The ideas and concepts in “Inception” are so twisting and turning with an ending that many still talk about today. Yep, Nolan did that.

It is also filled with many dazzling images and action set pieces; the Bond-esque snow chase and assault on the stronghold, the twisting and turning hallway as Joseph Gordon-Levitt floats through the air fighting off security and setting up his part of the plan. I came out of the theater smiling and thinking, how can I make a movie like that? And that is what makes a great movie for me. It has style as well as substance. Two things another big action movie lacked…

While many may think that it was not as strong as his past works, “Inception” remains stronger than anything Hollywood has put out in the last few years as a whole. It is the best movie I have seen this year.

High Recommendation

© 2010 Ernest M. Whiteman III

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