Thursday, April 19, 2012

NAMELESS: The Authentic and Magical Ledger Art of EW3

"Chief Batman Horse #1""Chief Self-Portrait Horse 1""Chief Boo Portrait Horse #1""Chief Guan Yu Horse #1""Chief Saint Mike Horse #1""Chief Batman Horse #2"
"Chief Cityscape Horse #1""Chief Terrence Horse #1""Chief 'Urban Native Boyz?' Horse #1""Chief Batman Horse #3""Chief Vivid Dream After..."Chief My Point Exactly Horse #1"
"Chief Guan Yu Horse #2""Chief The Joker Horse #1""Chief I Was So Cold..."Chief Native Comic Strip Horse #1""Chief Batman Horse #4""Chief My Bonnie Horse #1"
"Chief The Fly Horse #1""Chief Batman Horse #5" "Chief Terrence Horse #2""Chief Zhao Yun Zilong Horse #1""Chief An Angel Understands Horse #1""Chief Tom Servo Horse #1"

Here is the first series of image thumbnails for this unique project.