Friday, April 25, 2008

Photo Edition - April 2008

Hello People of the World!
Welcome to a test run of the photographic depiction of your favorite now-blog webpage. I think I have done photo pages before for WOS, haven't I? Well, if you like this, please make commentary, say so, and let me know what you think. If successful, I may branch it off into it's own page.

:[ First item: Check out how all the workers not doing anything, suddenly suck it in when the Sexy Sanwich Girl shows up:

:[ You know why grown, full-sized adult people disappear off the face of the earth? If there is one way of luring people into your white, eco-dome of commercialism, it's by giving people a free sample of your crap so your get them where you want them and able to preach at them about the great qualities of the crap they should buy from you instead:

:[ I noticed these stickers after they were mentioned in the Red Eye paper. Neat. I am sorry that CTA has no sense of humor, with service like theirs, you would think they do:

:[ You see? This is what I'm talking about. A man sooo important and busy that he is forced, FORCED, to text on the road. I don't know if you can see it, but there is a guy with a gun forcing him to e-mail while driving at the same time. Poor corporate hack:

:[ Man, is this necessary? I mean, you want answers to why life has no answers and you find this:

...AND at 30% off! I mean, how much more cruel can life get?

:[ Finally, I'll let you caption this one for yourself:

Until next time; "I. Drink. Your. MILKSHAKE!"

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